Block 2nd. Hate Stop

Set of films
Kino Muza, sala 1

(9 years and up)

How should we discuss violence with children—those who suffer from it and those who perpetrate it? Two films in this section explain the feelings of children who are different. Where do they look for help with bullying at school or online? These two films will serve as a starting point to a conversation with children about the emotions on either side of the conflict and the importance of respecting our fellow human beings. This block is a set of two movies: “Little Fire” and “#bullyingstory”.

Little Fire

Noëll – Little Fire – Schulte, an 11-year-old boy with autism, isn’t the most easygoing type and has a hard time connecting with people. When Noëll gets Gerrit, a tough buddy with a motorcycle, appointed to him they head of on an adventure. On the motorbike Noëll is freed from the outside world which tells him how he ought to be.  A road trip full of dreamy and observing moments follows. Will they learn to trust each other and let their guard down? 



Bullying is a shockingly common phenomenon which begins in the schoolyard and goes viral on social media. Filmmaker Eef Hilgers lends a platform to a seldom heard voice, as 13-year-old Rosalie paints a picture of persistent psychological torment, which ends up tainting even the former sanctuary of her own bedroom. By speaking up about it and trading stories with other victims over the Internet, she slowly recovers her self-esteem.

films in set
  • Little Fire
    dir. Nicky Maas, /Netherlands/2017/15 min.
  • #bullyingstory
    dir. Eef Hilgers, /Netherlands/2018/15 min.