The Time Busters

Jeszcze zdążę
dir. Aleksandra Kutz/Poland/2020/60 min.
Dolnośląskie Centrum Filmowe, sala Lwów

The protagonists of this film are terminally ill patients of a hospice by the Polish seaside, who teach us what life is about, and what it really could be, if only we stopped for a minute – to look, to properly talk, to hug and to relax. Maybe it would then turn out that we only need some few basics to achieve true happiness? And that all the essential things are standing right next to us? “Time Busters” was created as a reaction for Aleksandra Kutz’s friend passing away and is currently accompanying the “Last Moments of Happiness” campaign, inspired by him.


  • projection time:
    60 min.
  • country/year:
    Poland /2020
  • director:
    Aleksandra Kutz
  • pictures:
    Andrzej Spijało, Jan Gierach, Piotr Rejmer
  • production:
    Aleksandra Kutz, Robert Skawiński / Plan2
  • awards :
    2020 – Millennium Docs Against Gravity, Warsaw: Polish and World Premiere

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