
Skandal. Ewenement Molesty
dir. Bartosz Paduch/Poland/2020/70 min.
Dolnośląskie Centrum Filmowe, sala Lwów
Dolnośląskie Centrum Filmowe, sala Warszawa

In the mid-90s, a group of Polish friends fascinated by MTV and American rap form their own group Mistic Molesta as an expression of their rebellion against the grim reality of living in Warsaw’s Ursynów neighbourhood. They don’t know yet that their music will change the Polish hip-hop scene and they will become the voice of their generation. The plan is simple: write lyrics, make beats and have fun.

They soon release their first album – “Scandal”. Their hooligan rap hits the store shelves and immediately becomes a hit. Everyone listened to Molesta and their lyrics became a code of moral values for young people.

But the talented kids grew up and went their separate ways. How are they doing on the music market and in life now? What is left of their old ideals? Did they know it would turn out like this? This film brings us back to times when everything was simple and friends stuck together like family.


  • projection time:
    70 min.
  • country/year:
    Poland /2020
  • director:
    Bartosz Paduch
  • pictures:
    Bartosz Bieniek, Krzysztof Kowalski, Grzegorz Myjkowski
  • production:
    Maciej Ostatek / Fundacja Raban
  • awards :
    2020 – Millennium Docs Against Gravity, Warsaw: Polish and World Premiere

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