Discussion with Prof. Piotr Skubała (ecologist, environmental ethicist, climate activist) and a representative of the NGO Polish Smog Alert following the screening of SMOG TOWN

Thursday, September 10 | Kinoteatr Rialto | 18:00

Discussion with Prof. Piotr Skubała (ecologist, environmental ethicist, climate activist) and a representative of the NGO Polish Smog Alert following the screening of SMOG TOWN

Langfang is one of the most polluted cities in China. Some days the smog is so thick that recognizing the faces of passers-by takes a significant effort. The ruthless rules of the market are facing off against the incompetently steered state apparatus. A closer look at this reality, however, shows that it’s not black and write: although official newspeak depicts a bright, shining future, the statements of certain protagonists of the film could’ve come straight from Greta Thunberg’s mouth.

Two guests, Professor Piotr Skubała, an ecologist, environmental ethicist, and climate activist, and a representative of the Polish Smog Alert NGO, will join us after the screening to discuss one of today’s most pressing problems, particularly troublesome for Upper Silesia residents.