Discussion: Is it possible to travel like Bruce Chatwin in our times? Following the screening of NOMAD. IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF BRUCE CHATWIN, dir. Werner Herzog

Friday, September 11 | 18:30 | Atlantic

Discussion: Is it possible to travel like Bruce Chatwin in our times? Following the screening of NOMAD. IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF BRUCE CHATWIN, dir. Werner Herzog

Language: Polish

Partner: Czarne Publishing House, Książki na drogę portal

Footloose or fidgety? Bruce Chatwin claimed that for him traveling was a necessity, not a choice. He created his literary worlds with the same passion he’d put into crafting his own image of a daring explorer. How should we read his books in this globalized world where Patagonia is within an arm’s reach? Can we still travel like Chatwin? Is it even worth it?


Adam Robiński—writer and journalist covering ecology, natural sciences, and literature. Author of travel essays published in “Hajstry. Krajobraz bocznych dróg” and “Kiczery. Podróż przez Bieszczady”.


Łukasz Hrynkiewicz - Książki na drogę portal